Poésie polyglotte germanique / Anglais


how long does it take to
go over
she went over to
Mrs Smith’s
the tide is going out
I went on to say

I went on to say
these shoes won’t go on
go in and win
the troops are going in tomorrow

go in and win
as time goes by
I went on to say
all that has gone before

go in and win!

Daniel Thomas


it’s fun to go for a swim

I hope
the good weather
will keep up

he went out
without a coat
he jumped over the wall

it’s fun
to go
for a swim

he jumped his son
up and down
on his knee

what kind of man is he?

he sank in
up to the knees
in the water

it’s fun to  go for a swim


à travers les rues , les chemins
passants, petites balles jetées par le hasard
rires, éclats des yeux
arbres bougeants

a stream flows through the garden
water poured through the roaf
I went through the forest
and you were there

Fall in the sky

  the main thing
is to keep quiet
this is idealism
gone mad

we were lucky
to stay alive
I keep a horseshoe
for luck
should I ?

the main thing
is to keep
the river is very high
just now
shall we
get down?


we should
fall in the sky
to become
new stars
for the new year
to come

Daniel Thomas


Une porte vers les langues
va ton chemin et croise les êtres qui parlent
voix d’ici voix qui disent l’être dans sa majesté
voix des animaux ou celles des hommes
sons émis dans l’espace de l’air musiques
sons délicats subtils voix d’enfants perlées
colorations des vocales
la terre parle par la bouche de ses enfants
créatures pensantes êtres passants
petit miracle dans l’espace ouvert de la bouche se répandant
dans l’espace ouvert entre le ciel et la terre
teintes transparentes, diaphanes, brumeuses
des voix nordiques
couleurs d’ocre, de terre, de feu des latins du sud,
couleurs de roc, de granit des slaves
une mosaïque sonore, une peinture colorée,
voix de la surface terrestre, comme des fleurs,
un champ de fleurs, un chatouillis différent de l’oreille
quand on se déplace,
et par les radios, porteuses de voix sur place
émerveillé écoute perler (parler) les hommes
fils locutionnels du logos la parole divine ……

Daniel Thomas

A door opening to languages
you walk along your way and come across beings who speak
voices hereof voices that tell the majesty of the being
voices of animals or of people
are sent off into the air space harmonies
delicate sounds subtle voices of children pearled
colourations of vowels
the earth speaks through the mouths of her children
thinking creatures passing beings
a small miracle in the open space of the mouth spreading then
into the open air between the sky and the earth
transparent, diaphanous, misty tones
of Northern voices
colours of ochre, earth, and fire of the Latin people in the South
colours of stone and granite of Slavs
a sonorous mosaic, a coloured picture,
voices on the Earth’s face, as flowers,
a field of flowers, a different impression on the ear
when you travel,
and on radios, voice bearers in space,
you marvel at the speaking people
illocutionary sons of Logos the divine word of God?

traduction: dr. Rodica Stefan, professor of EN & RO at the University « Spiru Haret » in Bucharest

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